How Easy is It to Learn Java

The beginner's dilemma: Should I learn Java or Python?

Advantages of Java

  1. Java is verbose, readable and structured well. Larger amounts of code are much easier to read in Java.
  2. Java is widely used in a lot of platforms: Android apps (Mobile), Server backends, Desktop applications (Java FX), so learning Java is a stepping stone to any of these. (Note: 1) Earlier applets were written for browsers with Java but these are now considered obselete. 2) Android also allows Kotlin as a language but it is still a JVM based implementation.)
  3. A wide range of libraries and frameworks for adding new functionality to your app or program.

Disadvantages of Java

  1. Developers are starting to favour other languages over Java (Kotlin over Java in Android for example) and hence is leading to a fall in Java use.
  2. Even though the language added support for features like Futures, Streams and Lambdas it was slow to do so. Java recently switched over to a 6-month release cycle, but it may be too late to bring developers back.
  3. Java usually has much more boilerplate code than Python.

Advantages of Python

  1. Very simple syntax compared to a plethora of languages out there.
  2. Widely used in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and the general overarching AI field. Very useful in data analysis and visualisation.
  3. Used in Web development with frameworks like Django.

Disadvantages of Python

  1. It is usually hard to go to languages like Java after doing Python whereas the leap from Java to Python is rather comfortable. Python abstracts core concepts from how programs work and prefers a logic first approach.
  2. Used in fewer platforms.
  3. Since Python is an interpreted language, it is slower than Java in most cases.

The Verdict


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