Sap Solution Manager 7.1 Ewa Configuration

Creating an EWA in Solution Manager 7.1/7.2

This KBA is broken into the following logical sections:

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Managed System
  3. Managing System
  4. Automatic Email Transmission
  5. Business Objects Resources
  6. Grey Rated EWA reports
  7. EarlyWatch Alert Management (710 SP09 and higher)
  8. EarlyWatch Alert Managerment in SAP Solution Manager 7.2


Please refer to SAP Note 1257308 – FAQ: Using EarlyWatch Alertbefore you start.
Before you can perform the Operations Setup  for an EarlyWatch Alert report you must have performed the prerequisite configurations to ensure the Earlywatch Alerts can be created.
Also refer to wiki page Requirements for generating the EWA report.

The system must be properly declared in the System Landscape (SLD > LMDB > SMSY)

  1. SDCCN must be activated and correctly configured.
  2. The SLD should have been updated with the Managed system information during Managed System Configuration, but this can be done manually if needed.
  3. For ABAP stacks transaction RZ70 can push the information from the data supplier to the SLD.
  4. For Java stacks Netweaver Administrator or Visual Administrator is used to push the managed system information from the data supplier to the SLD.
  5. A synchronization, from the SLD to the LMDB, is required if the data is refreshed from the data supplier to the SLD.

The Following  jobs do the following  synchronizations:


The System must exist in the LMDB and have aProduct System Assigned.

The System must beassigned to a logical component.

As shown here.

The Logical Component must be inan Active Solution.

TheStatus of the SID in the Solution  should be"Put in Solution".

Managed System

SDCCN must beactivated by a properly authorized user in the PRODUCTION client (otherwise data may be missing).Please refer to SAP Note 763561 - Service Data Control Center (SDCCN)  - FAQ - for more information.

RFC Destination to Solution Manager must bedefined in SM59 andin SDCCN.
In SDCCN > Menu > Settings > Task Specific > RFC Destinations is where theSM_<SID>CLNT<client>_BACK RFC should be defined. The RFC must test okay.

RFC for the managed system can be created inManaged system Configuration in

Step 3 - Connect managed system.

They can also be created manually, but should conform to the naming standards.

SDCCN Tasks:

TheMaintenance Package Task must be scheduled as a Periodic Task to run 1 time per day.
Schedule for a time that will allow it to complete prior to SM:EXEC SERVICES starting, if you had not you may have the issue described in SAP KBA 1769513.

The Maintenance Package Task will schedulethe Refresh Session Task and that will create aSolution Manager EarlyWatch Alert task, if a valid service session is found on Solution Manager.

In Solution Manager 7.1 once the Managed system is properly prepared for service the EWA can/will be created and scheduled in the managed system configuration process.
TheDiagnostic Agent needs tobe installed and connected during the managed system configuration.
If you need to install and configure the diagnostic agent please visit and reviewthe diagnostic setup guideandDiagnostic troubleshooting guide in theMedia Library.


If the Managed system Configuration has not been performed, then perform the Managed System Configuration.

Following all the steps and ensuring in step 5 you check Activate EWA monitoring and in step 8 – Apply Settings for EWA Monitoring have been performed.
If the Managed System configuration had been performed, but the EWA is not configured, check these steps status, and re-execute them as necessary. Also address any steps that may have warnings that can be addressed.

Step 1 – Select Product

Step 3 – Connect Managed System.

Step 4 - Assign Diagnostic Agent.

Step 5 – Enter System Parameters – Check Activate EWA Monitoring Check box.

Step 8 – Apply Settings for EWA Monitoring

Managed System

Scheduling an EWA in Solution Manager 7.1

Scheduling the EWA for a Product system (ABAP/Java) can be done manually if not scheduled when Managed system configuration was performed,however the prerequisites must have been completed.

  1. Run Transaction SM_Workcenter.
  2. Select the Solution Manager Administration tab.
  3. Click Solutions.
  4. Create a new Solution to add the logical component, or add it to an existing solution.
    If a new solution...
  5. Click onNew.
  6. Give the solution a name.
  7. Set the Solution Data settings.
    Now the Solution exists.
  8. Select an existing solution that you want the System to be placed (can be the new one).
  9. Add the Logical Component to the Solution.
  10. If the system is other than Type Production then...
  11. Go to change edit mode.
  12. Right click on the SID, and select "Put in Solution" the cell the SID is in will turn green.
  13. Save.
  1. Got to System Monitoring Tab.
  2. Click on Setup in the Side bar.
  3. Highlight the Solution.
  4. Select setup for single or all solutions.

(Alternate navigation is via the Solution Manager Administration tab

  1. Select Solutions from the Side bar.
  2. Highlight the solution.
  3. Click the Operational Setup tab.
  4. Then click the Setup EarlyWatch Alert link).

This screen is pretty much the same interface as transaction solman_ewa_admin seen below:

Here  on the EarlyWatch Alert and Services Configuration screen you can verify it is

active, send the EWA and Alerts to SAP include the EWA into the EWA for Solutions, set the day of the week the EWA generates, but this has no affect on the EWA period which is always Monday to Sunday and the retention period ( 0 = forever).

These settings can be verified, selected/deselected as required.The  EWA report is now Scheduled as indicated by the calendar icon.

The Icon is of an hour glass indicates the EWA is scheduled and waiting for the Managed system to provide the collected data.

If there is an issue on the managed system unable to obtain session information for Solman, successfully process the data collection task, or unable send the SDCCN session data back to Solution Manager the day the EWA is scheduled, the session will be red flagged to indicate the session data is overdue.

Processing the Session with job SM:EXEC SERVICES

Once themanaged system sends its data to Solution Manager the data is available in the service session and theicon changes to two flasks, meaning it is nowwaiting for SM:EXEC SERVICES to process the session.

Sessions that remain in this state may be because SM:EXEC SERVICES is having issues processing the sessions. SM:EXEC SERVICES runs (it is scheduled as a periodic job run 1 time per day– refer to KBA 1757070 EWA Reports not generating,  if SM:EXEC SERVICES is not scheduled).
You may have need to reset and reprocess an EWA Service Session, in that event refer to wiki page How to reset and reprocess a service session.
Once it processes the session successfully the EWA will be processed and rated, and if configured, emailed.

If you have problems processing the service sessions please refer toSAP KBA 1702475 – Trouble Shooting Service Sessions.

Automatic Email Transmission

The setup up is virtually identical as in 7.0
For further information on Automatic Transmission of EWA reports see KBA 1826552 - EMAIL 7.1 troubleshooting KBA.

Ad Hoc EarlyWatch Alerts

Business Objects Systems

1507629  Preparing BOE XI 3.1 For Services In Solution Manager
1646341 - EarlyWatch Alert for SAP BusinessObjects IDD / EIM
1357901 -RCA: Managed System Setup for SAP BusinessObjects
1653689 - SolMan 7.1: Managed Sys Setup - BI Platform 4.0
1540591 - Wily Introscope Setup for SAP BOE 4.0

Once the Business Object system is correctly defined in the system landscape and the Diagnostic Agent and Wily have been setup, then the EWA can be scheduled.

Grey Rated EWA reports :

EarlyWatch Alerts will be rated Grey if there is data missing in the Quality of Service Data section - please refer to SAP Note 1801236 to better understand this rating strategy.
Data may be missing because some prerequisite or required step was not performed, so they should be reviewed and also the managed system configuration may not be complete or even performed.
KBA 1824881 advises how to deal with EarlyWatch Alerts that are grey rated.

EarlyWatch Alert Management (710 SP09 and higher)

EarlyWatch Alert Managerment in SAP Solution Manager 7.2

Refer to SAP KBA 2282944 - EarlyWatch Alert: Solution Manager 7.2 how to setup/configure EWA reports
Refer to SAP KBA 2357073 - How to create an Ad Hoc EarlyWatch Alert SAP Solution Manager 7.2

Sap Solution Manager 7.1 Ewa Configuration


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