2005 Land Rover Key Programming for Back Hatch

1987 range rover

Dick Kelley Car and Driver

From the June 1987 Issue of Car and Driver

"What is this thang, a Toyota?"

"No," we said, "it's a Range Rover. It's sort of like an air-conditioned dune buggy for people who drink bottled water and get expensive haircuts."

"You sure? It looks like a Toyota."

"Positive. You could buy three Toyotas for the price of this thing. Hell, you could buy a vacation home for the same money."

"What's it got makes it so special?"

"Full-time four-wheel drive, V-8 en­gine, lots of wheel travel, and plenty of snob appeal. When the queen of England wants to inspect the troops on field maneuvers, she usually shows tip in one of these. Saudi princes use them for tailgate parties. That sort of thing."

"So?" he asks, looking us over pretty hard, implying that we don't look like ei­ther the queen or a Saudi prince.

"We're just driving it to keep them honest."

That scene, or something like it, took place at virtually every gas stop between Las Vegas and Ann Arbor. Most observers mistook the Range Rover for yet another Japanese import. That's not hard to un­derstand, since the RR does look a bit like the offspring of an Isuzu Trooper and a Nissan Hardbody.

As new as the Range Rover may be to Americans, it's been part of Europe's sta­ble of four-by-fours since its introduction in 1970. Over the years, the RR has been improved and refined with several up­dates: a four-door model in 1981, a five-speed manual transmission in 1983, fuel injection and a ZF four-speed automatic in 1985, and a host of minor changes. All along, the Range Rover was building itself an image as an off-road Rambo with the manners of an English country gentle­man. It has become the vehicle of choice for the chap who doesn't want to get his Aston Martin or Rolls-Royce high-centered on a boulder while visiting the tenant farmers.

Before leaving for Michigan, we got a chance to play with our Range Rover at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. There we found that a lot of the Bigfoot-in-a-tux hyperbole that one hears about this vehicle is well deserved. We crawled up dunes, forded the Colorado River, bumped over boulders the size of large doghouses, and blasted down miles of gravel roads, and the Range Rover never once bogged down, got tippy, or rattled our teeth loose. Even at 70 mph over unpaved roads, it had a remarkably smooth ride, more like a Cadillac than a dirt donk.

Part of the RR's poise over the rough stuff is due to the huge coil springs posi­tioned between its rigid axles and its ladder frame. The front spring rates are lin­ear, but the rear springs are dual-rate, starting at 123 pounds per inch and rising to 170. These long and compliant coils provide eight inches of vertical wheel trav­el at the front and a whopping eleven inches at the rear. The resulting suspen­sion suppleness allows the Range Rover's wheels to conform like the tracks of a tank to the most tortured terrain without bouncing the passengers off the cabin walls, spilling their cocktails, or causing them to blow their cool.

A further refinement is the use of a Boge Hydromat ride-leveling unit in the rear suspension. This device looks like an extralarge shock absorber but performs a somewhat different function. Mounted be­tween the frame and the axle housing on an A-arm (which also serves a locating function), the Hydromat unit uses pressur­ized gas, hydraulic fluid, and the pumping action of normal suspension travel to help the rear springs support the body on an even keel, no matter what load is being car­ried. The Hydromat automatically senses a low ride height and closes an internal valve to trap hydraulic fluid above it piston in such a way that a leveling force is produced. If a load is removed and the ride height is sensed to be too high, the valve opens, hydraulic fluid passes through the piston, and the leveling force is reduced.

The Range Rover's full-time all-wheel-drive arrangement isn't exactly cutting-edge technology, but it gets the job done, both on- and off-road. The ZF four-speed automatic (the only transmission available) drives a transfer case that delivers power to the front and rear axles by means of a cen­ter differential and two driveshafts. The transfer case also has a high and a low range and a means of locking the center differential. In high range, the diff lock can be engaged at any speed by flicking the transfer-case lever to the left. To engage the low range, the Range Rover's speed has to be no more than about 5 mph. You shift the transmission from drive to neu­tral, push the transfer lever from high to low, and then shift back into drive. In the Superman mode, you can leap tall moun­tains or flatten your tenants' sod hovels when they start getting uppity. A warning light on the dash illuminates whenever you lock the center differential.

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2005 Land Rover Key Programming for Back Hatch

Source: https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a15140698/1987-land-rover-range-rover-archived-instrumented-test/

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